GMO: Good, Malevolent, Or both

There is so much talk about GMOs that circulates around the internet and grocery stores, but what's the big deal? 

GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. Scientists have been experimenting with modifying plants for a long time, and have been very successful at it. Almost all of the crops we grow have been genetically modified in one way or another. This process has been around since Mendel and his pea plants so its nothing new, and has been studied for decades, yet some people just don't like it. 

I have nothing against GMOs I think that they are fine, and I will not go out of my way to avoid GMO foods. They have been created to help give us a better quality of life as humans on this earth. They produce plants that have higher yields, ward off pests, and are resistant to fungi and drought. Without them we would not be able to sustain the 7 billion people on this earth. 

Most people also don't realize that almost all of our produce has been genetically modified to get it to the form we most commonly see it in. Bananas, sweet corn, pepper, you name it, their original form looks nothing like what we know them as today. As you can see it is almost impossible to avoid GMO foods and I bet the people that do make a fuss about how GMOs are ruining our health and bad for the environment are eating these foods because they think they are natural. I didn't know bananas didn't look like they do now until last year. While there comes a point at while modifying food is not necessary, like changing it's color or something, for the most part what scientists are working on is not meant to harm the human race and if their are problems no one is going to let that strain of food continue. There have been rumors that people with gluten allergies can tolerate wheat from other countries because they do not use as many GMOs, but there have not been any significant studies proving that correlation. We rely on GMOs to feed the world, and without them we would probably be starving. 


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