

Our Purpose

    Girl Talk for Farm Girls

Our Mission

    To provide women in the farming community a place to learn and connect in an environment that understands that its okay to be a girl and play in the dirt.

I wanted to create a place where I could talk about about all the things I'm learning and experiencing as a farm girl. There are so many expectations to the role that I have found it hard to navigate, and I'm guessing there are others that feel that way too. I want to use this blog to help myself and others find what it means to be a woman on the farm. From being a tractor driver, to moving cows, to cooking dinner (lunch), or to picking out the perfect outfit for a date, follow along as I discuss all of these things and more that are just part of the daily life of a modern day farm girl.

Learn more About Anne, the author of FarmGirlTalk.

Need to get in touch? Contact FarmGirlTalk



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